Monday, July 20, 2020

Method Madness

     I may not like something someone said but I will defend to the death their right to say it. This used to be the definition of tolerance; simple, but evidentially not progressive enough for all of us.  Still, opinions obverse to the simplicity of this somewhat pragmatic approach are obsessed with an insatiable appetite to control the dialogue by any means, all to often sounding like something resembling fingernails sliding down a chalkboard. Pragmatic approaches from either side are essentially experiential and all too often the criteria for the approach lies in it's ability to achieve a desired result. This doesn't necessarily make the approach true or honest. It just shows that it works.  A good wife beating might subdue or eradicate a nagging tongue, but remains morally reprehensible and unacceptable. 
     Some of you may have pegged me already as another mouthpiece for a particular party. I'm party-less. Washington was as dismayed at the devolution into a system of political swamp campings as I am. After considering the two party options, it is apparent there is no choice after the choice is made. Democrats have conveniently played the, "we were really the anti-racist party all the time." They say this despite the fact that every piece of legislation passed to suppress the black populace was theirs and the Democratic controlled areas are the most oppressive, and they are still the perpetrators of racist policies. Affirmative action, an obvious detriment to the equal opportunity that Frederick Douglas fought so hard for, with differing preference dependent on ethnicity, suddenly becoming the measuring rod. We used to call that a double standard. For the sake of fairness we tip the table in another direction much to the dismay of others as seen statistically as in the case of Chinese students. Melanin, the predominant pigment for skin color, must be the ruling authority in such delicate cases. 
     Coloring outside the lines is a somewhat slippery slope. Hate speech\hate crimes are nothing more than weaponized tools for the left. One crime, two penalties, dependent on skin pigment. One word with one acceptable and one unacceptable usage dependent on skin pigment. African tribes kidnapping people from different African tribes and then selling them to Spanish slave trade dealers to sell to southern Democrat slave owners makes for an  interesting coloring book. Still, white seems to cause the biggest blemish on society even when pigment as a qualifier is dismissed. A black person can magically become a "white nigger" if he is not in the right political swimming pool. A white person can magically become "white trash" if certain societal conditions are found to be lacking. Isn't it interesting how divergent scenarios like these can be the basis for a mutual alignment?  Still, some people just seem to have a propensity for coloring outside the lines and "all lives matter" suddenly becomes racist.
     A lie is not simply  "a terminological inexactitude"; a lie is often a truth told with bad intent. I may repeat the same exact words of someone else and yet I lie because I convey a wrong meaning. If you don't believe me, watch the news. As a disclaimer, I have to state that I rarely watch the news if I can avoid it. Politically, I base my voting decisions on voting records that are readily available. If you support abortion, that automatically disqualifies you from any possibility of securing my vote. (As a side note, is everyone aware of the disproportionate amount of abortion clinics in predominately black neighborhoods?)  Back to the news. News stemming from five major networks owned by the same people that all are repeating the exact word-for-word mantras [I've watched a clip showing 25 different newscasters saying the exact same thing] is all too often a method for a delusion of consensus with the secondary purpose of producing and or manipulating consensus.  
     "We the people," not really. The legislative branch used to be charged with that responsibility of representing us and the passage of law to which they were accountable to us.  Both parties have relinquished that duty and relegated it to federal bureaucratic agencies. Isn't it nice to see them holding hands on something!?  Our law or regulations [same thing] is now extended to these conglomerates with power to execute judgment, enforcement, and fine. Regulations have exceeded 600,000 in number. In twenty years they have escalated to the point of losing count without any possibility of oversight. Their survival as an institution is their first priority, focusing on perpetuating a continuous need for their service. Who's got the time to oversee that?  It's an infection in the body of our government much worse than any viral infection we're in danger of. Government agencies are now used to exact pressure and retribution on people who don't conform to ideologies held by the purse string holders.  We used to be a republic, then a democracy [one Marx's favorites because they always implode] and are by any reasonable semblance of a definition, now socialist. [See the 10 planks of the communist manifesto] We are a reproach to any recognition of our constitution. When a leftist uses the word republic to represent our government, he's lying to you.  Bernie's Socialist Republic is a contradiction of ideologies. Watch the short presentation I've posted for a quick and encompassing education on governments called "Types of Government explained". We're swimming in a cesspool of bureaucracy without a lifeguard in sight and sinking fast.
     History has the answer but it's being erased as fast as we make it.  I admire Stonewall Jackson. I admit he was a lawbreaker and a  southern democrat. Still, due to the fact that he was openly teaching slaves in his Bible school to read, despite the laws prohibiting this, I have to admire him. The majority of southerners didn't have slaves but were enamored by the theory of evolution that fed their delusion of superiority. Most fought for state rights. Still, this was inexcusable so let's demonize it while northern democrats, who were not opposed to slavery, but disavowed secession are in the clear. History certainly must be controlled to ensure a right portrait in securing a platform for our enlightened scenario of political correctness. So, a good twist or erasure? Which method to twist? It changes as fast as the political football is passed. 
     For the life of me, I don't know how much more of this new tolerance and diversity I can tolerate!  Lots of methodologies or ways to view things. Rationalism, fideism, experientialism, evidentialism, I use them all [combinationalism]. Still, you can misuse, abuse and twist them all. You can always find a hole in the bucket for sure, even when you combine them all. Lots of buckets just multiplies the number of holes. So, how do we find an authentic way or method of discernment, the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; or a liberating, fulfilling life of peaceful resolution in this brewing pot of despair?  It's in a Person. He says, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." His name is Jesus Christ. His Way is sure, His Truth is the truth and can be your truth, and His Life can be your life.`

"Thine iniquity hath an end" Lamentations 4:22

"My guilt is ended when I repent of sin; when I stop admitting and start confessing. Am I blaming any of my forbears for my present condition? Then my punishment will go on til I blame them no more. Am I blaming the circumstances in which I live? Then my punishment will go on til I stop blaming my circumstances. As long as I have any remnant of an idea that I can be cleared any other way than by God through the Redemption, my punishment will go on. The instant I stop blaming everything but myself, and acquit God of injustice to me, my recognition of Him begins."
                                                                    Oswald Chambers

Some "thing" is provoking a civil war, using a systematic methodical madness. They're using it because it works. They've been working hard the last hundred years with no signs of giving in. They call it "progressive." Our constitution was progressive. Nothing in history ever saw it's equal. In truth, history displays for us the same path of regression  over and over again. It's now become a game plan for reprobate leaders. Borrow my copy of Mein Kampf if you like. Whatever it takes. The bigger the lie the easier to swallow. Winning at all costs despite the means used.
     The end never justifies the means. We used to know that. Didn't we? The last delusion we need to be delivered from is the idea that we don't get what we deserve. God help us!