Friday, May 5, 2023

Applicable Rationality

 "Til by their own perplexities involved,

     They ravel more, still less resolved."     


What thoughts we think to resolve our fear.

     We venture forth, this rationale revered.

Lingering here in wrestling stance, 

     A chance to unweave, a confusion of deed.

Justified in perplexing waves,

      Once more this piety slowly decays.

Intricate entangling, amazement displayed,

     Thinking a foresight, still lost by the way.  

                                                   Gordon Bieber  5-5-2023

     By what means do we preserve an ideal? One would hope an ideal to have it's basis in truth. Is there an insight to foresight we should look for in qualifying a reasonable basis for a belief? One, at times wonders about foundational footings, and the construction thereof. Unraveling the knot, at times, we understand to be completely vexing. Wherein lies the wherewithal? Construction of critical examination techniques are rarely taught and at times are in need of  examining in and of themselves. One mustn't be misled once again by a circling reasoning process so popular in today's debating arena. Accepting an idea or ideal, as history has taught us, is usually accepting recycled ideology. So, the question remains. What are you thinking? Before stepping into the ring of ideology it may be more prudent to ask "How are you thinking?" So often people we engage with are only parroting. This brings us once again to our foundation of thought. Rock, paper, or scissors? Is it all about winning or truthful reasoning; or, should one sit at the sidelines quibbling on the fence of opinion? How, when, where, and why we engage have to be based on truth. Always, look at the objective, theirs and yours. Allow yourself the possibility of error. Truth can hurt, but ultimately heals. 

     Be honest, be meek when needed, unleash the lion only when necessary. God is love. God is also wrath. God is truth. God is also merciful. God forgives ...... when one repents. God is the sum of His attributes. Be like God. God doesn't need more bad examples. God decries bad theology. Don't read more into God's word than what's there just to fit own your theology. Read the Bible and then apply it to your life. His desire is for you to be fruitful, period! Applicable rationality comes from knowing God, who He is, and what he has purposed for you to bring Him glory.