Tuesday, December 19, 2023

                               I finally put the poem to music. 

     A good friend of mine asked me recently what the last two lines in the chorus meant; "I'm lost in losing all that's here, to finding what I once held dear." It's more than poetic licence. It's just life. Everyone suffers loss at times and sometimes we have to lose to gain.  How people handle loss will at times open their eyes to new or past reflections lost through the business of life. Many times loss brings an unexpected strength of character. We view life more often in a more precious sense. Life reveals time as a gift from our Creator and hopefully we grow. The real value of relationship emerges from the darkest hours forcing us to grow up and re-evaluate the possibilities that lay before us. 

"I know from just the asking, that ere I go astray
My harm would do me better, and better I might be
 If somehow I could chasten, this voice inside of me
And walk this path beside Thee
Forever faithful, Forever clean"

God doesn't leave us where we are. Walk this path in the hope of what we could be. Life is a gift with and for a purpose.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Truth and Mercy


One Last Tear

 I was writing lyrics for a new song but it turned out better as a poem ....... I think.

One Last Tear Gordon Bieber 2-2-2023
I’m fighting back that one last tear
I’m face to face with one more fear
I’m lost in losing all that’s here
To finding what I once held dear
I’m looking for my rainbow
Some how to bring me hope
I’m hoping that my looking
Will free me from this doubt
An end to end my crying
A path to lead me out
A will to keep on trying
A strength to bring about
Oh that God would hear me
Remove me from this course
That I might still be faithful
And freed from this remorse
So I could freely follow
A truer path to seek
Where hardship may not follow
A haven more discreet
I know from just the asking
That err I go astray
My harm would do me better
And better might I be
If somehow I could chasten
This voice inside of me
To walk this path beside Thee
Forever faithful, forever clean

All react

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Audacity and Adequacy of Hope

     Hope, as a word, can be intriguing in many ways, especially as to the applied objective. A person may place their hope in a lottery ticket. Chances are slim that their dreams of being financially secure will materialize using this method, but the opportunities abound with the seemingly endless supply of tickets. Hope becomes diminished simply because of the objective it is therein placed. The number of things we place our hope in are as varied as well as the chances of realized expectations. Serious considerations, should abound. One might hope to retire at a certain age, but just as easily could be squashed by circumstances he or she can't control. Still, we all have a tendency to cling to hope of one kind or another. 

     To hope or to succumb to hopelessness seems to be a relevant issue  in life and it's causing me to rethink where my hope may be misplaced. After all, at this point in life, things considered not, seem to be slipping off the back burner. Life, has not dismayed me, but there are things that need to be finalized. As I'm saying this, I find myself hoping. Hope seems to envelop just about every corner of my life, and that has led me to doing this biblical study of hope. As I was doing this I found out that "hope" is the helmet of salvation.

But let us, who are of the day, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ                       1st Thessalonians 5:8-9

     The truth revealed here is that hope becomes the realization that the import of where hope is placed "rules the day." The next question that arises is how do we get to that realization.

"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  Romans 10:10

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? Romans 10:14

     This question Paul poses is often overlooked. What we always hear is, "Call on the Lord and you will be saved." The sequence overlooked is; belief, which leads to faith, which leads to confession, which leads to repentance, which culminates in the Hope we cling to. This may sound like I'm placing my hope in hope. I'm not! My hope is in the person of Jesus the Christ and the work of the cross. Oh, how audacious that sounds. So, what's the point in all this hoping and where does it lead. If it's not to righteousness; you're probably satisfied with saying your sinners prayer and getting baptized.

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

And every man that has this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure.                   1 John 3:2-3

     We don't think to much about purity these days. If this hope doesn't lead in this direction, you're probably satisfied with saying your sinners prayer and getting baptized.

That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.     Titus 3:7

     Being justified by His grace pretty much slams the door on any work that we could have done to obtain salvation; and after we see the impossibility of doing this on our own, this hope remains steadfast and faith in Jesus becomes the rock on which we stand.

Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.    Psalm 119:116

     Hope, at some point, should impact on where our consideration and direction joins with belief and the resulting faith it imparts. My hope comes from God. What more do we need if we truly believe God to be faithful?

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given us.      Romans 5:1-5

     The adequacy of our hope is not impugned by the simplicity in which we receive it from our Lord. Hope becomes the burning catalyst of our faith given by the very word of God. We, on our part have to be faithful. Creeds and works won't save you. Job taught us that. Trust in the living Word that imparts the faith we have unto hope.

And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.       Hebrews 6: 11-12

For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope; by which we draw nigh unto God.   Hebrews 7:19

And now abideth faith, hope, charity,these three; but the greatest of these is charity.       1st Corinthians 13:13

For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. Galatians: 5:5

For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope.          Romans 8:24

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, our hope;     1st Timothy 1:1

But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house we are, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. Hebrews 3:6

And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in mind by wicked works, yet now he hath reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: if ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel which ye have heard, which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; where of I Paul am made a minister;    Colossians 1:23

Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.          1st Peter:1-23

     I recommend re-reading the above scriptures in context with those preceding and following for a firmer grasp of this hope God has, through grace, so graciously gifted us with. Audacity and adequacy are strange bedfellows; but never donned better in the searching out of God's precious gift of hope, through Christ, a living risen Saviour and redeemer. The man that places his hope of riches by the purchasing of a lottery ticket does indeed understand the nature of hope. Still, if he were to win, he's destined to lose without the hope vested in the Lord. I do know many who would be willing to give it a try even though it's nature is fleeting. Money promises a security that is rarely realized and leaves ones life riddled with unforeseen pitfalls and still; I'm guessing many would love to see this for themselves forgetting that what has real value is unseen. Life, for me, has left me wanting for treasures not found in things but relationship. Good friends and family,  a best friend [my wife], and my bestest friend, [Father Son and Holy Spirit] fill my life with true joy and real hope for a real life in eternity. I truly hope, your hope, finds itself basking in truth and life.  

     Forget the lottery tickets and direct your hope in the direction that leads to a life affirming relationship with the one that conquered death and the hapless hopes of this world. 

Friday, May 5, 2023

Applicable Rationality

 "Til by their own perplexities involved,

     They ravel more, still less resolved."     


What thoughts we think to resolve our fear.

     We venture forth, this rationale revered.

Lingering here in wrestling stance, 

     A chance to unweave, a confusion of deed.

Justified in perplexing waves,

      Once more this piety slowly decays.

Intricate entangling, amazement displayed,

     Thinking a foresight, still lost by the way.  

                                                   Gordon Bieber  5-5-2023

     By what means do we preserve an ideal? One would hope an ideal to have it's basis in truth. Is there an insight to foresight we should look for in qualifying a reasonable basis for a belief? One, at times wonders about foundational footings, and the construction thereof. Unraveling the knot, at times, we understand to be completely vexing. Wherein lies the wherewithal? Construction of critical examination techniques are rarely taught and at times are in need of  examining in and of themselves. One mustn't be misled once again by a circling reasoning process so popular in today's debating arena. Accepting an idea or ideal, as history has taught us, is usually accepting recycled ideology. So, the question remains. What are you thinking? Before stepping into the ring of ideology it may be more prudent to ask "How are you thinking?" So often people we engage with are only parroting. This brings us once again to our foundation of thought. Rock, paper, or scissors? Is it all about winning or truthful reasoning; or, should one sit at the sidelines quibbling on the fence of opinion? How, when, where, and why we engage have to be based on truth. Always, look at the objective, theirs and yours. Allow yourself the possibility of error. Truth can hurt, but ultimately heals. 

     Be honest, be meek when needed, unleash the lion only when necessary. God is love. God is also wrath. God is truth. God is also merciful. God forgives ...... when one repents. God is the sum of His attributes. Be like God. God doesn't need more bad examples. God decries bad theology. Don't read more into God's word than what's there just to fit own your theology. Read the Bible and then apply it to your life. His desire is for you to be fruitful, period! Applicable rationality comes from knowing God, who He is, and what he has purposed for you to bring Him glory.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Complicity II

      We all play our part, don't we? We all have a voice no matter how small, and we all play a part no matter the squall. Still, we all realize at some point, money seems to to have the biggest voice. Tis' a sad place to dwell, when following the money exposes the root of it all. Complicit we are at the end of the day, when money we have found to rule the play. Even the sheep, as often as not, perpetuate the lie that defines our fate, compelling us once more, "to cleanup our plate". We dig the same hole that defines our very fate, a final resting place to constrain the debate. 

     Do you remember back in the 80's when we had the birth of designer drugs? Now, we're living in the age of the designed virus. Boston University has developed a new one by combining the original Chinese covid virus with the more rapidly spreading omicron. The kill rate with mice is eight out of ten. Why would they do that? They already told us a new pandemic is coming and Biden is planning to turn the whole control of it to the WHO despite the research that shows the mask mandates had no effect. In fact, the whole of the mandates had zero to nil affect on the transmission. Still they will have the pack running scared. Compliance will come by the sword and cut the last threads of freedom. It's real and it's going to be our reality. The sad truth of it will lie in our own complicity. 

     This "sad truth" is clothed in a double standard running a muck today. Philosophic ideologies are at war with each other. What used to be a Christian basis for governing our once Christian nation, with their ethical restraints, are now pretty much dismantled and replaced with a morally bereft floating crap table with no checks or balance  and which merely subsists in the furtherance of a perceived goal. To stand in the way, or too question such advances, as we are seeing today, can put you in the sights of governing bureaucracies without recourse or protection.  This is the primary reason why democracies implode and why the founding fathers warned us of such. The anchor for our republic, which was based on God's law, has been successfully neutered and the demise of law is eminent. Follow the money and the trail always leads to the rule of an oligarchy.

     This is why we are seeing what we're seeing. People being imprisoned with for years without representation or recourse. Parental rights, human rights, government corruption, duplicity and the accompanying loss of freedom is where we are now, not where we're headed. Rational thought is lost in the mist of indoctrination, the foundation has crumbled, and all that remains will be our ignorance and complicity.

https://youtu.be/N4r0VUybeXY     This is a link to quickly refresh your understanding of governmental systems.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Complicity Complex

      An apartment building will sometimes be referred to as an apartment complex. The apartments, to a degree,  will adhere to a standard design accompanied with a set of prescribed rules under which the tenant must abide. There's a degree of flexibility in the conversion of the residence to a home as long as it remains under the guidelines of the owners authority. That sums up the conditional terms of the agreement under which the tenant has an obligation. This is the basic premise under which I'll attempt to explore a disturbing trend in much of the nonsensical conditioning being portrayed as a necessity in curbing or directing public conduct to meet with a specific groups agenda. Oh! and I might add that opposition or failure to be compliant does occasion varying degrees of persecution.  

      The real question that arises here, is how we regressed into this state of involution? The picture that arises in my mind is that of getting entangled in a strand of barbed wire. How do we get released from this ensnarement with the least amount of damage and pain? Or better yet; how to prevent further entanglements? We as a people rarely view what ends up being implied or implicit as a result of a previous inference. Apathetic negligence certainly comes to mind. What are the precautions to be made before cutting that strand of barbed wire to avoid the painful act of extraction? Implications can sometimes be deceptive by the simple act of misdirected representation or hidden under the guise of beneficial conditions wrapped in promises never quite realized. Careful or prudent examination are deprecated by lack of foresight and implicity rules the day. What I'm really wrestling with is a lack of critical examination that would bridge the gap between fanciful implication and explicitness, leaving obscurity behind. The playing field seems to be damaged to the point of collapse and now we will face the consequences. 

     This brings me back to what I would label as a complicity complex built by our own ignorance and laziness. Is freedom erosion by design or lack of discipline on our part? I believe both played their part.  We're merely a faint semblance of what we used to be giving birth to our ownership of failure to sustain the freedoms we once revered. Like the apartment complex I described, the cost to preserve it is becoming more than we can bear, collapse becomes a reality, and the truth reveals our complicity. The implicit fails when the explicity reveals your own complicity in the final demise.

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.     2nd Peter:19 


Involution:  The action of involving or infolding. The state of being entangled or involved; complication.

Implicit: Resting on another; trusting to the word or authority of another, without doubting or reserve, or without examining into the truth of the thing itself.

Explicit: Literally, unfolded. Hence plain in language; open to the understanding; clear, not obscure or ambiguous; express, not merely implied.

Complicity: The state of being involved in an illegal or wrongful act. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Crazy Love

 This is a standard bluesy jazz progression I took from my Boss drum machine, saving the drums, adding my own departure in the middle section, and bieberizing the rest with my fretless bass and real guitar tracks. The song is about my Lord dragging me out of my chair to share in a walk with him. It's just a little bit crazy, but shows a need inside to actually follow and not wallow in a self defeating laziness that is so easy to gravitate to. I would highly recommend taking that time, the Lord has graciously given you, to take that walk with Him.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

We Know That We Know Him

     This is a song I wrote back in 2016. Wrestling with scripture is akin to wrestling with myself as is portrayed in the lyrics. God's word can take a beating, so I guess I can too. I can never stand in the winners circle unless God is there also.

2nd Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

1st John 2:3 And hereby we do know Him, if we keep His commandments.