We all play our part, don't we? We all have a voice no matter how small, and we all play a part no matter the squall. Still, we all realize at some point, money seems to to have the biggest voice. Tis' a sad place to dwell, when following the money exposes the root of it all. Complicit we are at the end of the day, when money we have found to rule the play. Even the sheep, as often as not, perpetuate the lie that defines our fate, compelling us once more, "to cleanup our plate". We dig the same hole that defines our very fate, a final resting place to constrain the debate.
Do you remember back in the 80's when we had the birth of designer drugs? Now, we're living in the age of the designed virus. Boston University has developed a new one by combining the original Chinese covid virus with the more rapidly spreading omicron. The kill rate with mice is eight out of ten. Why would they do that? They already told us a new pandemic is coming and Biden is planning to turn the whole control of it to the WHO despite the research that shows the mask mandates had no effect. In fact, the whole of the mandates had zero to nil affect on the transmission. Still they will have the pack running scared. Compliance will come by the sword and cut the last threads of freedom. It's real and it's going to be our reality. The sad truth of it will lie in our own complicity.
This "sad truth" is clothed in a double standard running a muck today. Philosophic ideologies are at war with each other. What used to be a Christian basis for governing our once Christian nation, with their ethical restraints, are now pretty much dismantled and replaced with a morally bereft floating crap table with no checks or balance and which merely subsists in the furtherance of a perceived goal. To stand in the way, or too question such advances, as we are seeing today, can put you in the sights of governing bureaucracies without recourse or protection. This is the primary reason why democracies implode and why the founding fathers warned us of such. The anchor for our republic, which was based on God's law, has been successfully neutered and the demise of law is eminent. Follow the money and the trail always leads to the rule of an oligarchy.
This is why we are seeing what we're seeing. People being imprisoned with for years without representation or recourse. Parental rights, human rights, government corruption, duplicity and the accompanying loss of freedom is where we are now, not where we're headed. Rational thought is lost in the mist of indoctrination, the foundation has crumbled, and all that remains will be our ignorance and complicity.
https://youtu.be/N4r0VUybeXY This is a link to quickly refresh your understanding of governmental systems.
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