Sunday, February 19, 2023

A Complicity Complex

      An apartment building will sometimes be referred to as an apartment complex. The apartments, to a degree,  will adhere to a standard design accompanied with a set of prescribed rules under which the tenant must abide. There's a degree of flexibility in the conversion of the residence to a home as long as it remains under the guidelines of the owners authority. That sums up the conditional terms of the agreement under which the tenant has an obligation. This is the basic premise under which I'll attempt to explore a disturbing trend in much of the nonsensical conditioning being portrayed as a necessity in curbing or directing public conduct to meet with a specific groups agenda. Oh! and I might add that opposition or failure to be compliant does occasion varying degrees of persecution.  

      The real question that arises here, is how we regressed into this state of involution? The picture that arises in my mind is that of getting entangled in a strand of barbed wire. How do we get released from this ensnarement with the least amount of damage and pain? Or better yet; how to prevent further entanglements? We as a people rarely view what ends up being implied or implicit as a result of a previous inference. Apathetic negligence certainly comes to mind. What are the precautions to be made before cutting that strand of barbed wire to avoid the painful act of extraction? Implications can sometimes be deceptive by the simple act of misdirected representation or hidden under the guise of beneficial conditions wrapped in promises never quite realized. Careful or prudent examination are deprecated by lack of foresight and implicity rules the day. What I'm really wrestling with is a lack of critical examination that would bridge the gap between fanciful implication and explicitness, leaving obscurity behind. The playing field seems to be damaged to the point of collapse and now we will face the consequences. 

     This brings me back to what I would label as a complicity complex built by our own ignorance and laziness. Is freedom erosion by design or lack of discipline on our part? I believe both played their part.  We're merely a faint semblance of what we used to be giving birth to our ownership of failure to sustain the freedoms we once revered. Like the apartment complex I described, the cost to preserve it is becoming more than we can bear, collapse becomes a reality, and the truth reveals our complicity. The implicit fails when the explicity reveals your own complicity in the final demise.

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.     2nd Peter:19 


Involution:  The action of involving or infolding. The state of being entangled or involved; complication.

Implicit: Resting on another; trusting to the word or authority of another, without doubting or reserve, or without examining into the truth of the thing itself.

Explicit: Literally, unfolded. Hence plain in language; open to the understanding; clear, not obscure or ambiguous; express, not merely implied.

Complicity: The state of being involved in an illegal or wrongful act.