1799 - Dr. Jedediah Morse reminds us "To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoy. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation, either through unbelief, or the corruption of its doctrines, or the neglect of its institutions; in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom... Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with them."
Once again we have another quote from some nut associating Christianity with our democratic --- oops I guess he said republican --- form of government.
1783 - Dr. Ezra Stiles, President of Yale University on the First Pillar of the Constitution: "All the forms of civil polity have been tried by mankind, except one, and that seems to have been reserved by Providence to be realized in America...[That wonder was a unique kind of republic] "... a democratical polity for millions, standing upon the broad basis of the people at large, amply charged with property..." This, for all of us that weren't home schooled, is talking about " The Principle of Representation." Notice the mention of property. A persons property was equated with his freedom in those days and not something for the government to be equally distributing among those they deemed deserving. The Bible was essential to the desire for liberty, and the ability to be self-governing, in turn, was paramount to preserving that liberty. The biblical view of man lead the way in developing a form of government not blindly led by the will of the masses or by the tyranny of one man. That's why Exodus 18:13-21 was a primary guide for our Founding Fathers. Jethro exhorts Moses to choose qualified judges for guidance and direction. In Webster’s dictionary "republic" was stated as "A Commonwealth; a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power was lodged in representatives elected by the people. " Oh, to have qualified and Godly representatives.
Oh, and why did they keep saying that the separation of powers came from that silly old Bible verse, Isaiah 33:22? " For the Lord is our judge; the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our King." They said that be cause that's where "The Second Pillar of the Constitution, The Separation of Powers" comes from. I don't remember that part from my public school indoctrination.
Now, not only did God give us the model for our system of balanced branches of government, but He gave us Guidelines and Limitations of power. That's just one of the reasons the Founding Fathers founded a whole bunch of Bible societies with the intent of getting Bibles into the hands of ... EVERYONE. They very correctly reasoned that an illiterate person incapable of reading the Holy Scripture was easily misled and incapable of judging the legitimacy of laws passed. State constitutions were quick to establish the three prerequisites of public education in the pursuit of passing these ideals on to the coming generations. 1. The teaching of religion [Christianity] 2. The teaching of morality 3. The pursuit of knowledge. I'm surprised they haven't cut off access to The Library of Congress. All you have to do is to be able to read, accompanied with a little initiative, and you can see for yourself what they actually said. I can see that day coming round the bend when that option is gone. Maybe not, with our nosedive into the low ranks of literacy, [700,000 recent graduates could'nt read their own diplomas] the need will not arise.
Another quote: Rosalie J. Slater "Can we expect these three governmental actions to operate correctly if we, as individual Christians, do not know the source from which they are derived, and what was their purpose? In our ignorance today we are tempted to believe that the power of the judicial, executive, and the legislative branches of our government resides in those individuals who staff these offices. Yet, upon on consideration of the Biblical base and purpose, we can see that the power or control resides not in the staffing but in the electorate, which these offices represent. It resides in each individual Christian as he allows Christ to rule his life."
Now there's a concept for us that doesn't allow for too much blame shifting. There's a reason the judicial branch didn't have their own building until 1935 and why they occupy the smallest portion of the Constitution. It's not because the original intent was for them to decide what was deemed okie dokie for the rest of us. The original intent lies in "We the People." The people, as in the ELECTED representatives, the ones that hear more than one hour of presentation of argument, and have to answer to their constituents, the legislative, the part that inherits the lengthier portion of the Constitution, were the ones to decide POLICY and the rule of the land. Does anyone ever read the heading on all the official court documents, "This is the opinion of the court?" Ignoring the irrefutable intent of the Constitution, the blatant imposition of their personal agendas, and defiance of past precedent and blatant omission thereof would certainly have earned them the well deserved boot, if not worse, from any of the founders of this document. The mere indulgence of the thought of a five from nine majority ruling the roost would be an anathema to anyone living in the first century of this country. Actually it still is today...but no one seems to have the courage to put a stop to it. They're there for life and people are duped into thinking this is their representation? I could write several quotes now on the importance of integrity and Christian morality as presented to us by our Founding Fathers, but I've already done that.
The Third Pillar of our Constitution: "A Dual Form of Government" Math.22:35-40
Jesus states the greatest commandment, as “Thou shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, and mind." The second as "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself." The first commandment applies to our national sense in that we are willing to be God governed. This extended, in their eyes, to going further than printing slogans on coins that read "In God We Trust.' We have inalienable rights and responsibilities that extend to institutions such as home, church, school, and state. It shouldn't be surprising that these are the areas targeted by our planners in their quest for dismantling this document. Inalienable, God given? Central government has never had the power to encroach upon these liberties. Central and State are each supreme in their own sphere.
This pillar addresses the age-old question, "How can unity and diversity co-exist in harmony?" It's not doing so well under the current philosophy of the day. It could be that the Founding Fathers concluded that a government that allowed both form and freedom, unity and diversity, was possible only through a balanced Biblical perspective. I agree. It's too bad Biblical is not inclusive in the new definition of diversity. This would once again tie us to an immovable foundation inclusive of those darned absolutes. This is going to hurt a little bit, but they're talking about limited government and accountability, and a strict adherence to their delegated authority. Delegated authority is the key phrase here. What we have now is corrupt, self-appointed authority, especially in the judicial and executive, wielding powers not expressly given them. The weakest branch, once pre-eminent, has now become that of the people, the representative. But as Benjamin Rush, John Adams, and other signers of the Constitution observed, the removal of the Bible and its teachings would lead to the eventual demise of our system of self-government.
Unfortunately, as I said earlier, the ride on the shirt-tails of what was, even with the protections foreseen by the founders, is not going to sustain us much longer. This is surely a joy to many, a horror to some, and a battle cry to others. The planners for our demise fear only our vision restored, our ignorance dispelled, and the fear of God, which is the beginning of knowledge, once again instilled in our hearts. Their own shirt-tales, lacking even a good semblance of a fairy tale, are showing their tawdry origins as examined and exposed in the light of truth, and truth I'm afraid to remind them, is immutable and unchanging unlike their distortions and lies.
The resources used for this post are The American Covenant, by Marshall Foster, excerpts from David Barton of Wallbuilders, Library of Congress, the Records of Congress, and the KJV Bible.
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