Friday, May 27, 2022

"Job Training"

 This is from Oswald Chambers "The Case For Refuge", a study on Job. "When a man gets convicted of sin [which is the most direct way of knowing there is a problem at the basis of life], he knows that he cannot carry the burden of it; he also knows that God dare not forgive him; if He did, it would mean that man's sense of justice is bigger than God's. If I am forgiven without being altered, forgiveness is not only damaging to me, but a sign of unmitigated weakness  to establish an order of holiness and rectitude, forgiveness is a mean [ordinary, common, low or ignoble] and abominable thing."

This shatters many a creed held nowadays in our entitlement minded society; If I do this, God will do this. Theology and creed are essential to develop, but secondary to a relationship with God. Job clings to God because he knows God is honorable and just despite his circumstances and his creed, and he knows God's purpose, even if it's in the hereafter, will be realized. It is in the place of sorrow and total exhaustion, when there seems to be no way out, that we turn to God for our refuge. This is when the whole point of redemption comes to life. Forgiveness as a bartering chip is destroyed when we abandon ourselves and fling our trust solely on God. This is truly, when God is praised and lifted up in our lives. This is when the reality of life births the relationship we need and God desires. 

 Just one of my many thought's on "Job Training." 

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